Professional development was needed on new and engaging ways to reach learners during asynchronous instructional sessions as well as during the school's Community B4 Curriculum initiative. The training needed to be completed within one hour and instructor's ideally needed to leave the session with a basic product that they could use for the upcoming cohort of learners. Resources to further learning on their own needed to be provided as well as examples of finished products available for review to help guide them after the training ended.
Bitmojis are more than just fun poses and silly sayings attached to an avatar. Coupled with links and other images trainers can be share a wealth of information on a single slide with their learners. This information allows the learner to access information when they need it, which makes refreshers easy and puts the initiative back on the learner as well.
The training feedback received was that they would have liked more time (more than 1 hour) so they could receive real-time feedback from the trainer and their peers while in the training rather than having to wait and receive it at a later date. Early reports indicated that learners enjoyed the interactivity of the experience and liked having items all on one slide to reference as needed. Since many trainers added some personal information, some learners stated they liked knowing their trainers more as people, which made it seem less like a chore.