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Food Truck On-boarding
Tools: Articulate Rise, Canva
Client: Meraki Mediterranean Kafe, a food truck serving Eastern North Carolina
New hires currently work on the truck shadowing another employee and watch what they do. Nothing is written down and directions are thrown about. It is a learn by doing, trial and error type approach. That may work for some people, but not all, and as the business grows consistency is needed.
A training course using Articulate Rise is being created. It is in the beginning stages as is the above storyboard. The first two chapters are complete and have been reviewed by the Owner. The remaining chapters will be uploaded once completed and approved.
Faster onboarding of staff and more confident employees from the outset, which equals happier customers.

Write a Customer Ticket
Tools: 7Taps
Time: 2 hours
Client: Meraki Mediterranean Kafe, a Greek food truck serving Eastern North Carolina.
Training part-time workers who are mainly teenagers how to write a customer ticket consistently, using the same abbreviations and order so that Chef Peter does not have to stop in the middle of cooking to ask what something says; an easier way for workers to know where to put substitutions so they are not missed and food not wasted was also needed as each employee did it a different way.
This 7taps micro-learning course was designed to walk them through writing a ticket. It is meant to be completed after the Food Truck knowledge course, and is a quick way for teens to practice using their phone, a pen , and a ticket pad. Once done they can check their ticket against the job aid in the truck., which is visual graphic of a properly completed customer ticket hanging near their post. It can be viewed here.
Currently the test group of 12 teens, a mix of those who work on the truck and those who wish to work on the truck, have viewed it and taken it. Positive feedback has been received from 10 of the 12. Once the remaining submit their feedback any necessary changes will be implemented. As the Chef uses the various tools with new hires, results will be updated.